VHN supports individuals who have been receiving ORRS funding throughout their school years and continue to receive ongoing funding after leaving school. To be eligible you will be aged between 16 and 64 years; have a disability in accordance with the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) criteria; have been assessed by the Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS)as having Very High Needs.

Very High Needs (VHN) Services will support you to:
  • Identifying long and short term vocational and community goals
  • Match your interests, capabilities and needs to services and activities
  • Make a plan together to achieve set goals
  • Encourage self-choice

What is our VHN Service?
  • Tailor-made for you - your own holistic, individual plan
  • Our VHN Coordinator is mobile and will come to meet with you, your family/whanau, and support people.
  • The service is fluid in response to changes in your life
  • It can align with MSD day programmes
  • Our VHN Coordinator works beside you to implement your plan
  • The plan is regularly reviewed to meet your needs.

Why choose our VHN Service?
  • Make a plan for ongoing study, work or community participation once you have left school
  • Get support for the activities you like doing now
  • Set new goals
  • Expand your horizons
  • Try new things
  • Participate in community services and activities
  • Get out and about
  • Make new friends
  • Learn new skills
  • Make your own choices
  • Lead a fulfilling life
  • Live your preferred life

Referral Form can be downloaded using the download button. Once you complete the form please email it to northable@northable.org.nz.

If you would like any further information about our VHN Services please contact us on 0508 637 200 or email  northable@northable.org.nz, alternatively message.

About us

Employment is one of the biggest factors that lock tāngata whaikaha (people with disabilities) out of society. Raising work and career opportunities provides an essential place for connection and lifts the model for next-generation practices.

Āhei is a service provided by NorthAble that works to provide meaningful, enjoyable work opportunities for tāngata whaikaha. We bring partner employers and businesses together with motivated members of the disabled community, creating a meaningful employment future for tāngata whaikaha.

We want to invest in diversity development to see a fair representation of tāngata whaikaha working across organisations to reflect the communities we live in and assist in furthering the independence of the community. Our partner organisations share this vision, and we offer the support to implement diverse and inclusive practices and develop our interns to bring their enriched perspectives into the workplace.

Become an Intern

We understand that society disables individuals, and the employment sector is no different. The Āhei program is an internship that removes barriers to the workforce by providing direct access to corporate, commercial, non-government and community organisations across Whangārei so tāngata whaikaha (people with disabilities) can participate in work.

Our Process

Step 1: Application

   · You apply for the program and our mentors meet with you to discuss your goals.

    · Both you and the Āhei team decide if the internship is right for you and which cohort you’ll join.

    · We aim to match you to a work placement role that suits your capabilities, goals and interests.

Step 2: Internship

    · You attend a three-week long introduction course, three days per week, to get you ready for your placement.

    · You then start your internship work placement.

    · You also attend our readiness course, one day per week, which will support you to understand the skills you are learning at work.

    · We give you individualised mentorship throughout your placement if you need support.

    · We also liaise with your host employer to ensure a successful placement.

Step 3: Employment

    · At the end of your internship, we help you find paid employment.

Why Āhei


Āhei has a team of mentors to guide you through every step of your internship placement, from commencement to graduation.


We guide you through your employment development with workshops, training, peer sessions and job placement to provide learning opportunities along the way.


We provide opportunities to grow professionally in the workplace and personally through an alternative approach to the program that supports your individual learning needs.


We help you build social connections with peers, actively working to create a collegial atmosphere between you and your fellow interns.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Aged between 15 to 24 years old
  • Have a disability that is likely to last six months or longer
  • Available for the approximately 20-week internship placement and committed to participating in the full length of the program
  • A New Zealand citizen (or hold an appropriate visa)
  • Be able to reasonably carry out the full length of the internship’s job placement and workshops (including travel to and from the NorthTec classroom and work placement)

The Ideal Applicant

  • A long-term desire to be employed
  • Understand your disability as an individual or have a willingness to understand and self-advocate (we can help with this)
  • Willingness to participate and engage with others, upholding the values of the Āhei project and the Enabling Good Lives approach.

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Become a Partner

Āhei works to provide internship placements for tāngata whaikaha (people with disabilities) into government, commercial, corporate and non-profit organisations.

Why Āhei?


Āhei has a team with expertise to guide partner organisations and interns through the program.


We offer disability competency training by specialists in the field to our partners and individualised support for host business with interns in work placement roles.


We are connected to various community organisations and network with our partner businesses with other authorities and diversity initiatives in the sector.


Our interns create a talent pool that is diverse, which in turn diversifies and adds immeasurable value to your business profile and social capital.


We create network of businesses across the region, creating a community of like-minded organisations.

How You Can Help

  • Active partnership

Provide placement opportunities for our interns

  • Passive partnership

Sponsorship of events associated to Āhei

Or talk to us about exploring other ways to collaborate

How active partnership works


We meet on-site to discuss the program and what you can offer an intern. We then conduct a site assessment to help ensure we select the most appropriate intern for your environment.


We select an intern from our talent pool according to their interests and your needs for a purposeful placement.


We provide intensive, individualised training to Āhei interns in preparation for their work experience placement.


The Āhei team provides ongoing mentoring and assistance to interns and partners, ensuring a well-supported experience for everyone.

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Have a question about this, or any of our other services?

Fill out the form below or give us a call.

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