Emergency Procedures for Outside of Working Hours

We know it can be frightening when something happens outside of office hours, and your usual support services can't be contacted. This page provides some guidance on what to do in case of an emergency.

1. Stay Calm and Assess the Situation

Try to remain as calm as possible. Assess your immediate surroundings for any potential dangers and move to a safer location, if you can.

2. Contact Emergency Services

  • Dial 111: For police, fire, or ambulance services, dial 111. Clearly state your name, location, and the nature of the emergency. We know its not always easy to call the emergency services if the situation you are dealing with involves a loved one, but yours and their safety is a priority.
  • Text 111: If you are deaf, hearing-impaired, or speech-impaired, you can register for the 111 text service. Ensure you are registered in advance.

3. Make sure you have an Emergency Kit prepared

  • Make sure you have an emergency kit prepared. This should include essential items such as medications, medical information, contact details, and any assistive devices you might need.
  • Keep a flashlight, batteries, a mobile phone charger, and bottled water in your kit.

NorthAble can help you plan for and create an emergency kit and plan, contact us at northable@northable.org.nz to set up an appointment with our Emergency Planner and Response Mentor to help with this.

If the Emergency is Mental Health-Related

1. Contact Mental Health Crisis Services

  • Dial 111: tell them about the situation and they will determine what is to be done to support you
  • Free Call or Text 1737: This service provides support from trained counsellors 24/7. You can talk or text with a counsellor for free.
  • Lifeline: Call 0800 543 354 or text 4357 for 24/7 crisis support and counselling.

2. Reach Out to Your Support Network

  • Contact trusted family members, friends, or support groups who can provide immediate emotional support and assistance.

3. Use Calming Techniques

  • Practice deep breathing, mindfulness, or other relaxation techniques that you find helpful in managing anxiety or distress.

If Your Support Worker Doesn't Show Up

1. Contact Your Support Service Provider

  • Inform your support service provider immediately if your support worker does not arrive as scheduled. They should provide an alternative arrangement or backup support worker.

2. Activate Your Backup Plan

  • Ensure you have a backup plan in place. This might include contacting family, friends, or neighbours who can assist you temporarily.

Preparation Tips

NorthAble can help you plan for an emergency, click here to find out more

1. Create a Personal Emergency Plan

  • Develop a plan tailored to your support needs. Include contact details of your support networks (e.g. family, friends, and caregivers) who can assist you.
  • Share your plan with your support network and make sure they understand your requirements.

2. Register with Emergency Services

  • Register with local emergency services to ensure they are aware of your needs in advance. This can help responders provide appropriate assistance quickly.

3. Accessibility of Exits

  • Familiarise yourself with accessible exits and routes in your home and frequently visited places.
  • Ensure that these exits are always free of obstructions.

Additional Resources

  • NorthAble Disability Services: Contact us for personalised advice and assistance in creating an emergency plan.
    Phone: 09 430 0988 or toll-free 0508 637 200
    Email: info@northable.org.nz
  • Civil Defence New Zealand: Click here to visit the Civil Defence website for comprehensive guides on emergency preparedness.

In Case of Evacuation

1. Signal for Help

  • If you are unable to evacuate independently, use a whistle, flashlight, or mobile phone to signal for help.

2. Assistive Devices

  • Keep your mobility aids, hearing aids, or any other assistive devices within reach at all times.

3. Emergency Contacts

  • Have a list of emergency contacts available and ensure that they are aware of your location and situation.

Stay Informed

  • Radio and Online Updates: Listen to emergency broadcasts on the radio or follow updates online from trusted sources such as local news websites and official social media accounts.

Remember: Planning and preparation can make a significant difference in ensuring your safety during an emergency. Take the time now to prepare, so you are ready if an emergency occurs.

For more detailed information or assistance, please contact NorthAble Disability Services by calling (09) 430 0988 or toll-free on 0508 637 200 or emailing northable@northable.org.nz.

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